Three ways that taking the State of Database DevOps Survey helps the community

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Redgate has recently opened the 2021 State of Database DevOps Survey.

Whether or not your organization does DevOps, I would love for you to take the survey. The survey will require around 15 minutes of your time, but I think it’s a great investment as it will benefit the whole community of database administrators, developers, and leaders in IT and development.

Here’s how it helps:

1. The survey helps you and others drive change in your organizations
I hear from loads of DBAs and developers that they have a hard time making a case to modernize their infrastructure and processes. Research like the State of Database DevOps report is a major help to data professionals in this area: when making a business case, this research gives you real-world insights and data to reference. The survey is not specific to any specific database platform or vendor (including Redgate), so the Report and findings can be useful to you no matter what tech stack you are using.

2. The survey helps everyone understand how IT is shifting for databases
Redgate has been running the State of Database DevOps survey for years, which allows us to see insights in how the software development lifecycle is shifting for databases.

While there are other surveys on IT and DevOps, this is largest, longest running survey on databases. This means that the survey can uniquely help the community understand how database development and operations are changing over time.

3. Redgate gives back for each survey response
For each submission we receive for the survey, Redgate will donate $1 to the World Health Organizations COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. And there could be something for you directly too — you have the option to enter and win a $500 Amazon Voucher, should you like.

I hope that you’ll take the survey today, and also share it with your colleagues.

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About the author

Kendra Little

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Kendra is a DevOps Advocate at Redgate. She has taught developers and database administrators around the world to write fast, reliable code and to improve tempo and code quality in the software engineering lifecycle for databases.